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Old 10-01-2015, 06:55 PM
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tbzep tbzep is offline
Dazed and Confused
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750ft on a D12-3. That's a little too much for my school demos. For reference, a Saturn V only flies about 120-150 ft on a really good day and is an awesome demo. I'm going to build my LJII with an interchangeable mount so that I can go with various motor configurations to get good safe liftoff velocities at low altitudes.

I'm thinking a safe low altitude flight can be made with a core B6-2 and 3 A10's. Or two B6-2's and two 1/2A3-2T's, etc. etc. The combinations are plentiful!

D12-3 total impulse 16.84ns with a peak of 29.73n

B6-2 with 3 A10's has a total impulse of 11.29ns and a peak of 31.83n
1/2A-B cluster total imp is 10.84 and a peak of 39.52n

Delay for the B6-2 is 1.53 seconds compared to the D12-3 which is 2.39 seconds.
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