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Old 04-09-2020, 08:28 AM
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Swillie Swillie is offline
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Default to be 40 feet up. One huge limb that is really solid. So I drilled a hole in a baseball, tied a string thru it and tried to throw it over the limb and shock chord. Not even close. So I tried swinging the ball on a few feet of the string to sling it up higher... the string broke and the baseball flew straight into the creek my wife and I got a huge laugh out of that at least. I will consider the fishing pole with a heavy sinker idea...I'm afraid I will have maybe one shot or two at it and will fail miserably it would have to go almost straight up. One day it will come down and with any luck it gets hung up lower where I could snag it. That chute release is really awesome, I will own one again and I've learned my lesson.
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