Thread: MRC Engines
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Old 07-10-2020, 11:28 PM
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Royatl Royatl is offline
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Originally Posted by Earl
What, in essence, was said in the letter? If you are willing to say....


It was just defending the performance of the C6, and that if I would give him the address of the person whose rocket was destroyed, he would make it right. I'm pretty sure I still have it, but currently, with my stuff still over four different places, I haven't seen it in many years. The main thing was that it was overnighted to me, which was a big surprise. I still have the original article, but it's on an Aldus Pagemaker file from 1989 or 1990 -- who knew the problem wouldn't be the magnetic media, but no way to run the original program to read the file!
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